welcoming spring.

Hello! I don’t know about you guys, but I’m so happy spring is officially here and the last bits of snow have finished falling (hopefully). I decided for my second post I’d show you guys a little bit of my spring style. I find it fun to just mix items you normally wouldn’t put together such as colors, patterns, texture, etc. You’ll see. For me creating … Continue reading welcoming spring.

hello everyone!

My name is Puja, and first I just wanted to start off with telling you how I stumbled upon this blog creation. I’ve always thought I was a left-brained person, but recently, as I’ve grown more as an individual, I’ve realized I’m naturally a right-brained person that’s just trained herself to be left-brained as well. Currently, I’m a pharmacy student (soon to be graduated pharmacy student, eek). … Continue reading hello everyone!